Reflections on Christmas Eve

Tejas Sudarshan
2 min readDec 25, 2018


Circa 2019

With another year zooming by, it’s important we take some time off to reflect upon ourselves the people we’ve been this year. This is imperative for we, the people of tomorrow, need to be better than what we had been for we share a collective future.

This year, like every other has taught me a lot of things. It has helped me choose my people and figure out the differences between the ones who live to their promises of forever.

Have I become a better person? That I don’t know. But what I do know is that I have lived up to my resolution that I had taken last year, to make the day of at least one person better, every day.

On an average we meet close to 3 new people every day. Now that multiplied by 365 is close to about a little more than a thousand people. For some, this may just be a line from “This is US” but for me it means that I am exposed to over a thousand people a year, who shape the way I think. This year like every other, I had a chance to get to know some wonderful people who are positively worth melting for. There are some people I am extra thankful, for everything that they do, and for staying in my life too. Some friends, turned family. Some acquaintances, turned friends. And sadly, some family, turned strangers.

This year has also enabled me to choose my idols and those whom I intend to follow. Atop the list is my grandmother, who even now continues to inspire me with her courage and affection. My parents, who let me make mistakes and learn from them, and for being the most supportive people in my life. My sister, for keeping me grounded. My friends, each of whom, has something special which I love. Muhammed Ali, Shashi Tharoor, Paul Krugman, Ron Howard and many others, who I look up to.

So with all that being said, I am truly sorry if sometime during this year I snapped or was rude. I’d love it if I could walk into 2019 leaving behind every incident that has hindered our relationship. Looking forward to seeing you all shine bright.

If there are words that I have chosen to live by, they would be “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”. So all I have to say is, dream on.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2019. And as always, for everything that you need, I’m just a ping away.


